Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
According to the International LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) By-Laws, every woman of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is a member of LWML. We have about 60 women in our congregation who are active members.
We have 3 circles that meet at different times of the month. These circles meet at:
Hosanna Circle (Quilts & Mission Kits) | Wednesdays at 11:15 AM in Quilting room |
Happiness Circle (LWML Board) | First Tuesday at 4:00 PM in Library |
Hope Circle (Greeting Cards) | Second Tuesday at 8:30 AM |
The objective of LWML is to develop and maintain a great mission consciousness among the women of the Synod through mission education, mission inspiration, mission service, and mission projects. The list below details several of the ways in which our local LWML carries out these objectives.
- “Mites” are collected for local and international mission projects.
- Many members make quilts for Lutheran World Relief and occasionally our local LWML sponsors collections of clothing and other items for this Lutheran agency.
- Our local LWML raises funds to help support a seminary student and several missionaries.
- National:
- Iowa District East: