Adult Bible Studies
Sunday Mornings – Starting at 10:15 a.m.
- Pastor led large group Bible Study in the church sanctuary
- Lay Leader led Bible Study in Conference room: topics and leaders can vary (Starts back up in September 2021)
- “Table Talks”- Young Adult/ Family Bible Study led by Lay leaders, meeting in “Table Talks” Classroom (downstairs by Sunday school opening area) (Starts back up in September 2021)
Wednesday Morning – Starting at 9:30 a.m.
- Men’s Bible Study (Library) (Starts back up on September 8, 2021)
- Women’s Bible Study (Conference Room) (Starts back up on September 8, 2021)
- Roughly 20-40 men & women gather for prayer and Bible study. Topics & individual books of the Bible are the focus of the study time. Classes begin with prayer requests for individual needs.
Thursday Morning – Starting at 8:00 a.m.
- Men’s Bible Study (Conference room)- Covers a variety of topics

Various Meeting Times
LWML Women’s Circles-Meeting days & times vary. See church calendar or check out the LWML drop down tab under Ministries-Adults.
Adult Confirmation-(Open to anyone 9th grade and older)-This eleven week course is open to anyone to instruct them in the basic teachings of Holy Scripture and is especially designed for people who wish to join the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod through our congregation.
Classes are usually held on Thursday evenings in the Fall and Spring. Special arrangements can be made with Pastor for those individuals with schedule conflicts that desire to become members of the church. There is no mandatory memory work, but home study for each class is a requirement.
See newsletter and church calendar for more information. Contact the Church office with any questions and for additional Bible Study opportunities.