Come Worship With Us!
Service Times
In order to accommodate the variety of schedules amongst our members and visitors, Zion Lutheran Church offers two separate worship services, one on Saturday evening and one on Sunday morning. The Sunday morning service will also be livestreamed for those who cannot attend in person. Communion is also an important part of our Service and is given at various periods throughout the month, check below for more details.
Saturday Evenings: 6:00 PM Divine Service w/Holy Communion
Sunday Mornings: 9:00am Divine Service w/Holy Communion Watch the Livestream
Holy Communion at Zion
The Lord’s Supper is joyfully received here today. At this altar, our Lord Jesus Christ delivers His true body and blood into our mouths. His gift of body and blood bestows tremendous benefits: the forgiveness of sins, strengthening of faith, binding us to the Lord, and uniting us with each other. In this gift is life and salvation.
According to God’s Word, Holy Communion should be celebrated by those who are: United in a common faith (1 Cor. 10:16-17, 21-22, Rom. 16:17); Repentant of sins (1 Cor. 5:11, Matt. 18:17-18); Able to examine their lives (1 Cor. 11:27-29); and believe that in this precious meal they receive the true body and blood of Jesus given and shed for their sins (Luke 22:19-22). Scripture teaches that those who do not fully understand the meaning of this meal can eat and drink to their own harm (1 Cor. 11:27-29).
Because of this, we welcome to the Lord’s Table those who are active members of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), but ask those who belong to other denominations to refrain from communing until they have received Christian instruction regarding what we believe and teach. If you would like to commune here we encourage you to set up an appointment to speak with Pastor Zellers.
As fellow Christians, we thank you for respecting our practice in this matter of Christian care.
Communion Today: For members who may be concerned about consuming alcohol, we have provided communion cups diluted with water. Please rest assured that these cups contain a small drop of wine, and thus you can be certain that the very blood of Jesus Christ is given for you to drink for the forgiveness of your sins. The diluted cups can be found on the outside edge of the communion tray. Please feel free to use them as needed. Please let Pastor Zellers or one of the Elders know if you have any questions or concerns.