Adult Ministry at Zion
Zion ministers to adults of all ages and we accomplish this in many ways. Here are some, but certainly not all of the ways we incorporate Zion’s Purpose: Strengthen, Touch, and Point.
Adult Bible Studies
Weekly opportunities; see calendar for details
Small Connection Groups
Specifically designed to connect God’s people and to engage in study of God’s Word
Adult Fellowship Events
Monthly fellowship events hosted by the Board of Fellowship (e.g. canoeing, bunco night, picnics, potlucks, etc.)
Church League Fellowship Sports
Softball, Men’s Basketball, Fantasy Football, Volleyball
Servant Event Opportunities
Trustee “Work Day” at Zion, Habitat for Humanity home builds, quilting for World Relief, etc.
Volunteer Opportunities
Choir, Kitchen Committee, Trustees, Greeters, Puppet Team, Human Care, Worship Committee, Altar Guild, Ushers, Prayer Chain, Library Committee, Finance Committee, Gifts & Memorials, Christian Growth Committee, Teaching Bible class or Sunday school , working with youth and children, and playing a musical instrument during worship services