The Choir group meets September through May on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m.
The Adult Choir welcomes anyone (high school age or above) to join with us as we offer our worship to God in song. The choir generally sings at worship two times a month. The choir provides anthems in support of the Sunday worship theme, leads the congregation in hymn singing, and helps teach the congregation new hymns or liturgies.
Being a part of the choir is not a commitment; while it’s hoped as many as possible in the choir are available for each performance, it is not necessary to be available for every performance or rehearsal to enjoy joining in. No prior experience or special skills are necessary to be a part of the choir.
The choir also sings for special festivals such as Reformation or Easter, and once a year leads the Sunday worship services by presenting a Christmas Cantata. Various soloists and smaller groups may provide music for other services and special events.
Other Musical Instruments
Adults & Children-Opportunities are available to those who are skilled with other musical instruments and are willing to share their abilities as a part of our worship services or other activities.