Children’s Sunday School
Sunday school classes begin at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings, meeting downstairs in the education wing.
Sunday school is held on Rally Sunday (Sunday after Labor Day weekend) through May (weekend before Memorial Day weekend). It is open to children 3 years old up to 8th grade. Individual classes are taught by age group by dedicated adult leaders. In the summer, children are encouraged to check out Summer Sunday school classes which meet informally as a single group.
The Sunday school program provides an hour of Bible study, Christian music, skits, & puppet shows. Bible stories and lessons are used to further the children’s understanding of the Holy Scripture.
Summer Sunday school begins the first Sunday after Memorial Day and runs through the first Sunday in August. This summer, our Sunday School students will dive into H2Oh! God Keeps His Promises. Each of the weekly Bible stories has water as a central element in the account. This will blend well with our VBS theme of God’s Living Water. DCE Darci Russell and the youth will lead the Sunday school children through their weekly lessons in mini-VBS style with lessons, music, crafts, and activities.
The Sunday school children also participate in the annual Children’s Christmas Program which is a great celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus!